Tuesday 25 February 2020

The monkey and the banana

Is there something keeping you out of the kingdom? Anything that keeps you from trust in Jesus can be a danger. Think of the way in. While a camel remains a camel there is no way in. So you, if you are not a believer - as you are, by nature, there is no way in.
You know how traditionally they used to catch monkeys. You put a banana in a cage with a hole large enough for the monkey's hand to fit in, but not large enough for the monkey's fist to come out while it is still clutching the banana. The monkey lacks the intellect to let go of the banana and run away. It would be wiser to let go of the banana and live. In a similar way we need to let go of it all. It is impossible to do that in our own strength. That is why we must say that conversion is impossible with man. Anyone who thinks otherwise is foolish. We can’t widen the gate or slim down! That is impossible. Until we see that, we see nothing. Have you realised the impossibility of your being saved? There are too many sins, too many things wrong, we just won’t fit. And yet we must. Too many think - of course I’m okay. You are not.

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