Monday 22 July 2019

Another of Aesop's fables against pride and self-confidence

Another of Aesop's fables tells of a milkmaid who had been out to milk the cows and was returning from the field with the shining milk pail balanced nicely on her head. As she walked along, her pretty head was busy with plans for the days to come. 
"This good, rich milk," she mused, "will give me plenty of cream to churn. The butter I make I'll take to market, and with the money I get for it I'll buy a lot of eggs for hatching. How nice it will be when they are all hatched and the yard is full of fine young chicks. Then when May day comes I'll sell them, and with the money I'll buy a lovely new dress to wear to the fair. All the young men will look at me. They'll come and try to court me - but I'll very quickly send them about their business!" 
As she thought of how she would settle that matter, she tossed her head scornfully, and down fell the pail of milk to the ground. And all the milk flowed out, and with it vanished butter and eggs and chicks and new dress and all the milkmaid's pride.
This is Peter again isn't it? He can picture himself speaking up fearlessly for Jesus and not being at all afraid to testify. He can even imagine dying for Jesus if necessary. In reality his pride is his undoing. The other disciples are no better.

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