Monday, 18 July 2022

Losing the dressing room

It is important that people retain confidence in their leaders. There is an expression in football "to lose the dressing room". This is used when a manager of a football team loses the confidence of his players and they stop listening to him and so things go from bad to worse. There is no football at the moment (June 2020) but back in January the Independent was saying that Norwegian Ole Gunnar Solskjaer at Manchester United was
"losing the dressing room, with a number of squad members "irritated" by his drills and what is more, his wider tactical approach.
It's stated that while the players like him - and there's no denying Solskjaer is a very likeable character - they do not think he should have been appointed in the first place."
God was determined that Joshua would not "lose the dressing room" but would be exalted in Israel's eyes. Joshua, of course, points us to Jesus Christ our Leader and it is important that we see that in all that God the Father does he is determined to exalt Jesus Christ. We can expect to see that happening and should be on the look out for it.

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