Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Christians do fall down - unlike weebles

They used to advertise a toy on Television in the seventies with a little saying that went 'Weebles wobble but they don't fall down'. Well, a righteous person is not like that. He can not only wobble but he can also fall down. Christians do hit problem.

Second Coming and patience - the farmer

In James 6 we have an illustration of patience, one drawn from everyday life. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. The farmer is a paragon of patience. He is used to waiting. He waits for the rains to come to water his crop and for the right time to harvest his crop. In Palestine he waits for the first rains after planting and then the latter rains before the harvest to water the crop. No doubt he is sometimes anxious but as he looks to the sky he trusts that all will be well. Meanwhile he works away with great diligence at the various daily tasks that confront him.

Second Coming - Waiting for Godot

Waiting for someone to come is not easy especially when you don’t know exactly when they are coming. Some of us are not very good at waiting at all. It is easy to grow impatient. Samuel Beckett's play Waiting for Godot explores this to some extent. It is a play where “Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes, it's awful!”. Even though we know the Lord is definitely coming it is easy to become agitated, to get frustrated or wearied in this world and to fail to look forward to the glorious return of the Lord. We must not do that. Rather, we must persevere and be patient to the end.

Second Coming being ready - Emergency services

Christians readiness for Christ's return is like a lifeboat crew or any emergency service. The call could come at any time and so what they need to do is not to try and guess when a call may come in but to make sure that they are ready at any point to respond. In fact the idea of a fire or ambulance crew spending their time discussing when they are likely to be needed instead of concentrating on making sure that they are ready at any moment is a frightening one. If I need them I want them ready whether they’ve guessed when I’ll need them or not.