Friday 26 April 2024

10 Illustrations on worldliness

1 To be worldly is only to think horizontally and to forget about the vertical
2 Don’t let the world squeeze you into its mould
3 If someone kills your brother you would not be his friend. Given the crucifixion of Christ, why would you want to be the world’s friend?
4 When negotiating hair pin bends in the Alps, the thing to do is not to see how close to the edge you can get but to drive safely all the way
5 Keep the boat in the water and the water out of the boat
6 A characteristic of adolescents is often their eagerness to follow the latest fad - worldly Christians often behave similarly
7 A stick insect can so blend with its environment that it can’t be seen - some Christians look no different to unbelievers
8 If two live electric wires touch there will be sparks. To prevent this there are two options - isolation or insulation. It is the latter that pictures the Christian - in the world but not of it.
9 Gollum and his detrimental obsession with the ring
10 Accents People often pick up an accent from others if they spend time with others, sometimes quite quickly. Others retain their original accent even after years of living with those with a different accent

Saturday 16 March 2024

Impressing by means of the flesh

In Galatians 6:12, 13 we find four marks of false teachers to be on the look out for.
The first is that they are out to impress, Paul suggests that part of the motive the false teachers have for insisting on circumcision is that they are out to impress people by means of the flesh. They know that for some circumcision will be difficult and so in a rather fleshly way they insist on it as a means of impressing people.
This is something to watch out for with false teachers. They insist on one fleshly requirement or another partly in order to impress people. They insist on a certain period of fasting or of vigil or wearing certain clothes or speaking in tongues or some other marker that is simply a fleshly act designed to impress people.
To take two examples. On the last day of July in Ireland people climb the mountain Croagh Patrick barefoot in an act of devotion, mass being celebrated at the summit. Or even more extreme, every Easter in the Philippines certain men will flog themselves with whips and even get themselves crucified (usually without actually dying). Such acts of the flesh are designed ultimately to impress people. What devotion! What commitment! Don't be fooled.

Friday 15 March 2024

Advisory Warning

You know everything has to have a warning on it these days. Cigarettes, advertisements for mortgages – if you do not keep up payments, etc. We are aways being warned about the weather or given content warnings by TV and radios stations. Whenever there will be flashing ligts they like to warn you too.
We always need to issue a warning when we declare the gospel. We cannot simply say, come to Cjrit and all will be well. No, we says come to Christ but realise it may cost more than you bargained on. It is going to cost you everything.

Sunday 5 November 2023

Go faster stripes

Neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything but only God, who is making things grow. (1 Cor 3:6). I have never been very much interested in cars but a friend I grew up with, he was much more of a boy racer than I have ever been. He learned to drive pretty soon after his seventeenth birthday and got use of the family car – a Morris minor, if that means anything to you. It was a green colour and he proceeded to stick a yellow trim all around it to jazz it up a bit and get it into the nineteen-seventies somehow. I remember him saying they were “go faster” stripes. Now, I am a little bit thick and so he thought it was worth trying to see if I would believe that the car could go faster with these yellow strips stuck on it. I was quite drawn but even I can see that it is the engine that makes the difference in a car not some yellow decals that you bought at Halford's.
Now, in a similar way, though not in exactly the same way it should be said, what counts in the end is God. He is the one who makes things grow. A farmer may boast about his bumper crop but he should be careful to remember that it is God who makes things grow. Someone who wants to have a large family may talk merrily about having six kids, three of each, but they need to remember that it is God who decides all that. And church planters and pastors must work very hard indeed in evangelism and in building the people up but they must also remember that it is God who makes things grow. He is the one who converts and sustains his own. It all depends on him.

Saturday 4 November 2023

No hybrids

Do not make the mistake of thinking you can have a hybrid sort of Christianity. You know how these days you can have a petrol or diesel car or you can have an electric one but then you can also have a hybrid, petrol and electric. The false teachers were arguing for a hybrid form of Christianity. You may be able to have a hybrid car but a hybrid Christianity will not work. If it is based on law at all then it will be all law and Christ and grace will be pushed out.

Don't sell your get out of jail free card

Galatians 5:1 Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. And yet that was the very thing that the Galatians were in danger of doing. Many of them were tempted to listen to the false teachers with their promises of a higher level of Christian life but what they were offering would only curtail the freedoms that they had entered into. It would lead them to be back under the law which does not bring freedom.
It is a little like someone who has been addicted to gambling or to alcohol and who has managed to turn from their addiction. Usually such a person cannot simply live the way they have done in the past. They need to care in all sorts of areas – the people they spend time with, the places they used to go to, the way they deal with problems, etc. In a similar way, the converted person needs to make sure that they do not put themselves in a position where they are likely to become slaves to sin once again.
Or think of someone who has been deep in debt but has managed to pay off what was owed or has accepted bankruptcy and has started all over again. What if that person is tempted to take on a fresh load of debt? They are in danger of ending themselves up in the same situation as before. Believers are like those who have had their huge debt of sin paid. They must be careful not to end up in the same sort of situation all over again by doing what the false teachers were suggesting and thinking that circumcision was the gateway to progress in the Christian life.
Never forget that the believer is essentially free. He has been given a get out of jail free card by the Lord. He must not be tempted to surrender that card by thinking that a religious ritual of one sort or another can take him forward as a Christian. We are sons of God not slaves.

Christ all the way

Gaatians 5:3 Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law. When you start to rely on something like circumcision or baptism or confession or prayer then you are opening the door to a completely different way of thinking about salvation. You are basically saying that you think that you can be saved by law, by obeying certain rules. Now the way the law works, you have to obey everything it says. You cannot pick and choose what you are going to follow. You cannot say, I like circumcision but not keeping the ten commandments; I like church on Sundays but not the other commandments. No, if that is the way you want to go it has to be a total obedience.
Say you were going to a place and as far as you could see there were two ways to get to it – the one way was a straight road leading all the way from your city to your destination and the other a route that went along back roads and lanes and involved catching buses and trains. You could not start on one route and then suddenly switch to the other. You would have to choose your route and then stick to it. There would be no room for chopping and changing. And so with being a Christian – you cannot begin with circumcision and then turn to Christ – you must begin with Christ, go on with Christ and end with him. Christ all the way.