Friday, 14 March 2025

There's an eye watching you

I read recently about an American called John M Henson. Back in the forties he was in a church that was having special meetings including some for kids. Some of the kids had been rather rowdy and so the leader was warning them one night that they needed to be careful as there was an all seeing eye watching them. Now the leader meant the local sheriff who he had spotted but it made Henson think higher – of Gods all seeing eye. Henson was very musical and a prolific song writer. It prompted his most famous hymn

All along on the road to the soul's true abode, There’s an Eye watching you;
Ev’ry step that you take this great Eye is awake, There’s an Eye watching you.
Watching you, watching you, Ev’ry day mind the course you pursue;
Watching you, watching you, There’s an all-seeing Eye watching you.

2 As you make life’s great fight, keep the pathway of right, There’s an Eye watching you;
God will warn not to go in the path of the foe, There’s an Eye watching you. ….

3 Fix your mind on the goal, that sweet home of the soul, There’s an Eye watching you;
Never turn from the way to the kingdom of day, There’s an Eye watching you.

Sunday, 2 March 2025

Pride and humility

My son Dewi wanted to put up some shelves one night and the screws we had weren't very good so we tried some others. I said to Dewi I think they are a bit proud, meaning the heads were sticking out rather. He hadn't heard the word used like that. I learned it from my dad. Pride is sticking your head out, I guess. If we want to maintain unity as Christians, we need to learn to keep low. 
Are you humble? It's a tough one. If you say “yes” you are probably not. Somebody once said that humility is something you should always pray for but that you can never give thanks for having received!

Saturday, 1 March 2025

How vast the love of God

In Ephesians 3 Paul wants the Ephesians ot have the power to be able to comprehend or to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. Again Paul does not pray in the way that we tend to. He is looking much higher. He has in mind the love of God, which is vast. He imagines its dimensions. It has great width and length and height and depth. It is broader than the 17 lane M61 in Manchester, broader than a vast continent; it is longer than War and Peace by Tolstoy, longer than the Amazon and the Nile combined; it is higher than the Empire State Building, higher than Mount Everest or the highest clouds, it is deeper than the Mponeng gold mine, deeper than the Mariana Trench in the Atlantic Ocean, 7 miles down. Practically, it is broad enough to encompass Jew and Gentile, long enough to take us into eternity, deep enough to reach to the worst sinner and high enough to go on taking up our thoughts and praise forever. Paul's prayer is that somehow these believers may have power to grasp this love.

He wants them to know this love that surpasses knowledge - that they may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. This love is beyond knowledge in fact, of course. We used to sing with the children that God's love is so high you can't get over it, so low you can't het under it, so wide you can't get round it. It is a little like paddling in the ocean when we get even a little idea of it. It does surpass knowledge but Paul wants them to know it and so to be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. The phrase is not immediately clear. Does he pray that they may know all that God has to offer or does he pray, even more boldly, that we may be brought up to the standard of perfection that is found in God? Whichever way we take it, Paul has an eye on the heavenly perfection that comes to every believer in Christ. He is praying for an increasing and Godlike perfection in every believer. What a thing to pray!

Seeking God

Have you heard of an almost incurable disease called “men's eyes”? It is also known as male pattern blindness. It's a well known phenomenon that males, unlike females, can't see things even when they are right in front of them. There are various theories as to why this should be so. One suggests that men's brains searching are like the search function on a computer. They only see the first few results, then give up and just ask someone else to find it for them.
It is is generally accepted that the key to finding things is focus. Too often when it comes to seeking God we are simply not focussed and so it does not get the priority it should.Rather, we shouild be like King Jehishaphat and seek God. (2 Chronicles 17:4)

Monday, 24 February 2025

Our weakness

I saw an article once on interview technique and how to deal with the question “What is your greatest weakness?” They suggest saying something like “I'm a perfectionist and some people don't cope” or suggesting something that won't affect the job “I was never any good at sport”. What you mustn't do is admit a weakness. Well, may be in an interview it isn't a good idea to be too specific (I suggest saying you have too many to specify one) but we must recognise our weakness and our need for God to strengthen us. We must see that others are the same and need our prayers too.

Solzhenitsyn's Ivan Denisovich on prayer

There’s a wonderful line in Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s famous novel, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, set in the horror of a Soviet prison camp. One day Ivan is praying silently with his eyes closed when a fellow prisoner notices him and says, ‘Prayers won't help you get out of here any faster.’ Opening his eyes, Ivan answers, 'I do not pray to get out of prison, I pray to do the will of God.’ That is how we should be praying.

Sunday, 26 January 2025

The Christian God's workmanship

The Christian is God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works
Paul likens the Christian to a work of art, an article of furniture or a machine. For we are God's workmanship he says created in Christ Jesus. All that has gone before would fit with that. The Christian is no self-made man. We do not turn ourselves into Christians. No, God does it. It is by his grace we are saved and even the faith we express is a gift from him. Now when God created this machine, this work of art, he created it with a purpose. And what was that purpose? To do good works! That's the reason why God makes Christians. He doesn't create them simply to make them happy or let them do as they wish. No, he fashions and creates them so that they may do good works! One writer says rightly “The primary object was not to bring us to heaven. It was that we should be 'holy'.” There are people who say they are Christians yet they seem to have no interest in good works. They seem to think that because we are not saved by good works then good works are somehow unimportant and it doesn't matter whether you do them or not. Nothing could be further from the truth. Indeed, if you say you are a Christian and there are no good works, something has gone wrong somewhere. Either, you are not a Christian or you have completely misunderstood. No, if you really are a Christian then your whole aim in life should be to do what is good and pleasing to God.
It is the Christian who is ideally placed to do good works. He is not doing his good works to get himself to heaven. That is already certain. He's doing it for God's glory.
One thing that stunts good works is the thought of past failure. The Christian is forgiven for all his sins and every new day or hour he starts again with a clean sheet. All his bad deeds, all his failure to have done good in the past is all forgotten and he begins again to do what is good.
I want to urge you who believe to good works then. There a thousand different ones, from little acts of kindness to great acts of charity. We cannot do them all but we can, by God's grace, do some. Let's do all we can. In John Wesley's famous words “Do all the good you can, By all the means you can, In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can.”